By Jake • May 4, 2017 • skin tag removal tips
As we grow older skin starts coming out with different growths and spots. Skin tags are one such product of ageing. The exact cause of skin tags is not known. They are also known as Acrochordons. Skin tags look like small growths hanging with a stalk. These fleshy bumps are ugly in appearance and cause lot of mental discomfort compared to physical.
Skin tags appear at different places o the body. The common areas are necklines, below the breasts, underarms, groin etc. Skin tags may appear in different sizes. Small tags appear in a bunch, while large tags appear alone. They normally form in cluster of small tags of about a mm to big ones measuring up to a cm.
Consult your doctor about removal of skin tags. Your doctor will remove them with a suitable method that may be either of these four- surgically cutting them, by freezing them, by electro surgery or by tying a suture around the stalk. The choice of removal method depends upon the location and the size of tag and the stalk. The tag removal normally does not lead to any scar formation. The healing is over in a day or two. Please consult your doctor for more details.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
If you are serious about removing your skin tags, I highly recommend you check out the Revitol Skin Tag Removal Treatment”. Not a very unique name, but definitely delivers! Check out my full personal review of it here:
Revitol Skin Tag Removal – Fast Working Home Treatment (My Review)
By Jake • March 17, 2017 • skin tag removal tips
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By Jake • March 14, 2017 • skin tag removal tips
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By Jake • • skin tag removal tips
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By Jake • October 19, 2016 • skin tag removal tips
Skin tags are an overgrowth and elongation of normal skin. Commonly skin tags occur in people between the ages of 40 and 60, but they can be present in anyone. Usually flesh colored, skin tags are simply the elongation of a small area of skin which occurs as the skin rubs against itself. Skin tags appear under the arms, breasts, and on the neck as well as the upper thighs and inguinal regions.
Many people are not bothered by the presence of skin tags. They may, however, become irritated, caught in clothing, or seem to multiply. Skin tags are not malignant and do not necessarily need to be removed. They can be unsightly, become irritated, bleed, and simply be announcing. Fortunately there are many effective ways of skin tag removal.
Some heavy duty skin tag treatments.
One option for skin tag removal is to consult a local physician. Freezing with liquid nitrogen or clipping the skin tags off after numbing with a local anesthetic are both effective and safe methods of skin tag removal. However the combination of the cost of an office visit, procedure fee, and possibly a pathology charge could have a negative impact on your bank balance for what amounts to a cosmetic procedure.
Home options for skin tag removal are also options. Just as the doctor does, many people simply snip small skin tags off without the benefit of anesthesia. In choosing this method, be sure to sterilize the instruments with either heat such as boiling water or a flame, or a chemical disinfectant made for such purposes. Placing a small amount of antibiotic ointment on the base will also help prevent infection.
If you are serious about removing your skin tags, I highly recommend you check out the book Moles, Warts, and Skin Tag Removal. Not a very unique name, but definitely delivers! Check out my full personal review of it here:
Revitol Skin Tag Removal – Fast Working Home Treatment (My Review)
A simple home treatment worth a try.
Other options for home skin tag removal include tying thread or thin string tightly around the base. This removes the blood supply and the skin tag will fall off. Topical remedies are also effective. Mixing a paste of Castor oil and backing soda and applying it to the skin tags several times daily is a popular solution. There are also several over the counter topical remedies for skin tag removal which work within days.
By Jake • • skin tag removal tips
Most people do not know the correct terminology to use when a small piece of hanging skin forms under our arms, or on the neck, breasts, or eyes. Although these skin growths may vary in appearance; they can be smooth or wrinkled, slightly brown or flesh colored and be a small size bump or be as large as a grape, the end result is the same: they are annoying. The medical profession calls them Cutaneous Papilloma or Acrochordons, but they are better known as skin tags. When a skin tag is small we tend to ignore it, or live with it, but chances are it will continue to grow and become a cosmetic issue rather than a life threatening malignant growth. Skin tags appear on nearly half of the population in adulthood, but children may develop them under the arms or on the neck. They seem to occur in areas where there is skin friction and they are common in people who are overweight.
Home remedies that help with skin tags.
Doctors use several medical procedures to remove skin tags. Freezing, burning, scissors and laser treatments are effective, but these procedures can be costly. There are several home remedies available to get rid of skin tags and they may surprise you because they are so simple. Duct tape is one of those items that serve us in a variety of situations and getting rid of skin tags is one of them. Cover the skin tag with duct tape for two or three days and it should start to fall off, if not, use a fresh piece of tape and wait another two days.
Only for those serious about removing their skin tags.
If you are serious about removing your skin tags, I highly recommend you check out the book “Moles, Warts, and Skin Tag Removal”. Not a very unique name, but definitely delivers! Check out my full personal review of it here:
Revitol Skin Tag Removal – Fast Working Home Treatment (My Review)
Some lesser known treatments that also work.
Finger nail polish works as well. Cover the skin tag with polish about three times a day for two weeks and the skin tag should dry out and fall off. Castor oil, Edgar Cayces favorite remedy, is another great way to remove skin tags. Mix a little baking powder with castor oil, so it becomes a paste and apply that blend to the skin tag three times a day until it falls off. There are also herbal remedies that will remove skin tags, but if you want to remove them without spending a lot of money get the duct tape, finger nail polish or the castor oil out and let them work their magic.
By Jake • • skin tag removal tips
What you know about skin tag removal is wrong, if you think that the only way to remove a skin tag is through a medical procedure. The removal of skin tags can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. You probably have something at home right now that will help you remove annoying skin tags. Dermatologist use several different skin tag removal methods that are expensive, because insurance won’t cover the procedure. Skin tag removal techniques like laser surgery, liquid nitrogen and cutting the area, are the accepted medical methods and may be performed using a local anesthesia, but in most cases no anesthesia is necessary. Over the counter medicines are popular skin tag removal choices, because the skin tags usually disappear in a few days, but you’re wrong to think these are the only options you have when it comes to getting rid of embarrassing skin tags.
Here are some home remedies you can try…
Common home items like duck tape, castor oil and dental floss can be used for skin tag removal. A mixture of castor oil and baking soda works in about a week and applying tea tree oil to the area three times a day will usually make skin tags fall off within a week or two. Duck tape works within a week, when you cover the area for three days and they apply a fresh piece of tape for another two days. Finger nail polish can be applied to the area three times a day and within ten days the skin tags disappear. Tying the skin tag at the base with dental floss for a couple of days is also effective and for those who are not afraid to see a little blood, skin tags can be cut off using sterilized scissors and an antiseptic.
If you are serious about removing your skin tags, I highly recommend you check out the book “Moles, Warts, and Skin Tag Removal”. Not a very unique name, but definitely delivers! Check out my full personal review of it here:
Revitol Skin Tag Removal – Fast Working Home Treatment (My Review)
Skin tags effect everyone…no one is immune!
If you think you’re immune to skin tags, you may be wrong. Over half the population develops skin tags as adults, especially in their 50s and 60s. Children can develop skin tags especially on the neck or under the arms, so we all can be victims of our own design by developing skin tags at inconvenient times and in inconvenient places.
By Jake • • skin tag removal tips
About 50% of the world’s population will get skin tags in their lifetime. They are physically harmless flesh-colored bits of hanging skin that normally occur in places like the eyelids, armpits, upper chest, and groin area. Generally, skin tags remain relatively small, but they can grow to the size of a grape. Doctors and researchers have never pinpointed an exact cause of skin tags. Since they are not a health threat, there is not a lot scientific research done to find the cause. Some people may be more prone to skin tags due to genetics. Obesity puts people at a higher risk of getting skin tags and pregnant women are often more apt to get them.
Even though a skin tag is a type of tumor, there is no risk of a skin tag becoming malignant and they don’t lead to any other health problems. There are no symptoms related to a skin tag unless they rub on clothing or get irritated in another way. Harmless or not, many people prefer to have their skin tags removed for reasons of appearance.
Skin tag removal can be done in several different ways, which can include at-home treatments or visits to your doctor.
Your doctor will probably use one of the following methods for skin tag removal:
- Freezing, Also known as Cryotherapy, freezing is the most common way to treat skin tags. Normally, liquid nitrogen is used to kill the skin cells, making them fall off.
- Cauterizing – With this method, the skin tag is snipped off first, and then the area is cauterized with a source heated with electricity.
- Ligation – Skin tag removal using ligation is done by tying the tag at its base with a string. The tag will gradually shrink and fall off.
Skin tag removal can be safely done at home using one of a variety of methods.
- Medicine – There are some over-the-counter treatments for skin tags that are topically applied and cause the skin tag to dry and come off in about a week.
- Home Remedies – Tea tree oil applied to the skin tag three times a day is an effective method of skin tag removal. A mixture of castor oil and baking soda on the skin tag will also cause them to fall off.
If you are serious about removing your skin tags, I highly recommend you check out the book “Revitol Skin Tag Removal”. Not a very unique name, but definitely delivers! Check out my full personal review of it here:
Revitol Skin Tag Removal – Fast Working Home Treatment (My Review)
Once a skin tag is gone, another cannot grow on that exact spot again.